iPad and Apple Pencil

In-App Purchases in Electron

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Written by Robert Koch

8 min read
The only way to offer In-App Purchases on the Apple Mac Store is to use Apple's StoreKit API which provides a complete payment solution for MacOS apps. If you're creating a native app this is fairly straight forward and well documented, however if you're using a third party framework like Flutter or Electron it can get tricky. Fortunately Electron provides first class support for in-app purchases including a tutorial for how to integrate your app with StoreKit, unfortunately the interface between StoreKit and Electron doesn't provide a lot of feedback when things aren't working properly. In this article I'm going to cover some of the challenges and pain points I uncovered trying to get in-app purchases working in my app Touch Typer.
But first why am I trying to add in-app purchases? The answer comes from Guideline 3.1.1 - Business - Payments - In-App Purchase of Apple's App Review Guidelines which states that apps must use Apple's payment service to handle any in-app purchases. There are exceptions to this rule, back in 2021 Epic took Apple to court over their walled-garden monopoly and won a sort of compromise where apps can link to other purchase methods, however Apple still takes a cut for facilitating the purchase and will alert the user that the purchase method is not authorized by Apple in a way that looks like a scam warning. So in order to provide the best user experience Apple's in-app purchases are the best way to go.

These are the high level steps that we'll follow to get In-App Purchasing working.

  1. Create an In-App Purchase item in App Store Connect.
  2. Create a draft release and include the in-app purchase as part of the release.
  3. Implement the store logic in your app.
  4. Build a development version of your Electron app for the Mac App Store.
  5. Submit your app to the App Store.

Creating Purchase Options in App Store Connect

After logging into App Store Connect and selecting your application there should be a sidebar on the left, under Monetization there is an item for In-App Purchases and Subscriptions. From here you can define different subscriptions and purchases which can be made in your app, all purchases and subscriptions are treated the same for our purposes so setting up one will behave exactly like the other. Take note of the PRODUCT ID here as we'll need it later.
You need to add the in-app purchase as a release
You need to add the in-app purchase as a release

After you have created the purchase item you can setup a release. IAPs can only be published to users via a new release, similar to how you would update your app.

While they look different subscriptions and in-app purchases are the same thing behind the scenes. The only difference is that subscriptions are recurring payments.

Create a new app version and add the in-app purchase to the release
Create a new app version and add the in-app purchase to the release

In the new release you can select from the list of valid in-app purchases and subscriptions.

Select the purchase options that users will have access to
Select the purchase options that users will have access to

Once the purchase option has been added to the release it will appear in the submission, you can now create test builds of your app and once you're ready you can submit the app for review.

Purchases are listed in the release settings
Purchases are listed in the release settings

Setting up Electron

Electron apps have two separate processes, a main and renderer. The main process runs in a node environment and can run privilaged code like writing to the filesystem. The renderer runs inside of a browser environment and is restricted in what it can access. Because of these restrictions it's not possible to directly call the In-App Purchase APIs from a browser window so we'll need to use electrons InterProcess Communication (IPC) library.
In you main electron file define the functions you want to expose to the frontend environment. At the very least you probably want a getProducts and purchaseProduct function.
1import { inAppPurchase } from 'electron/main'
3app.on('ready', async () => {
4 ipcMain.handle('getProducts', async () => {
5 const products = await inAppPurchase.getProducts()
6 console.log(products)
7 return products
8 })
10 // This is a good way to test if the app is running in the Mac App Store
11 ipcMain.handle('isMas', () => !!process.mas || process.env['ELECTRON_IS_MAS'])
13 ipcMain.handle(
14 'purchaseProduct',
15 (event, productIdentifier: string, quantity: number) => {
16 console.log(`Purchasing ${productIdentifier}...`)
17 console.log(`Quantity: ${quantity}`)
18 console.log(`Event: ${event}`)
19 return inAppPurchase.purchaseProduct(productIdentifier, quantity)
20 }
21 )

These functions are now registered to run when a singal from the renderer process is received in the main process.

We'll also need to register the functions in the frontend. The preload file runs before the web page loads in the renderer, this is when we can perform prvilaged operations like defining functions from the context bridge.

1declare global {
2 namespace NodeJS {
3 interface Global {
4 ipcRenderer: IpcRenderer
5 getProducts: () => Electron.Product[]
6 purchaseProduct: (
7 productIdentifier: string,
8 quantity: number
9 ) => Promise<boolean>
10 isMas: () => boolean
11 }
12 }
15contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('electronAPI', {
16 getProducts: () => ipcRenderer.invoke('getProducts'),
17 isMas: () => ipcRenderer.invoke('isMas'),
18 purchaseProduct: (productIdentifier: string, quantity: number) =>
19 ipcRenderer.invoke('purchaseProduct', productIdentifier, quantity),

Now with the IPC functions setup we can call them like normal functions from the frontend.

Now with the app setup you can retreive the product data and make purchases
Now with the app setup you can retreive the product data and make purchases
This is an example of what the payload of getProducts looks like. It has all the information you'd need to handle a purchase made in an app. You can now create custom code to handle purchasing and subscriptions.

Integrating with React

Something to consider when developing with React in Electron is that all IPC functions are promises, this means that if you rely on an IPC function for rendering you have to handle the asynchronous call. This isn't ideal considering at the time of making this project the suspense feature was not stable.
My workaround for this is to create a new hook useMas which contains the context for whether the app is running in a Mac App Store environment. There are a few advantages to this design - hooks can be used everywhere, immediately to render a page so there is no need to use suspense. The context of the environment is also maintained throughout the app, no single view holds the state of the MAS environment.
You can create a simple hook using a React context like the one here, in it the state of the Mac App Store is eventually evaluated when the isMas function returns. It will only do this when the context provider is intially mounted which will happen when the app starts.
1import { createContext, useContext, useLayoutEffect, useState } from "react";
3type MasContextProps = boolean;
5const MasContext = createContext<MasContextProps>(true);
7export const MasProvider = ({ children }) => {
8 const [_isMas, setMas] = useState<boolean>(true);
10 useLayoutEffect(() => {
11 // @ts-expect-error
12 window.electronAPI.isMas().then(setMas);
13 }, []);
15 return <MasContext.Provider value={_isMas}>{children}</MasContext.Provider>;
18export function useMas() {
19 return useContext(MasContext);
What's useful about this hook is if you look on line 11 in main.ts you can manually set ELECTRON_IS_MAS as an environment variable while developing to test what the UI should look like in MAS mode, if you need to show a different payment screen (you probably do) this is a great way to check it.

Building a Dev App for the Sandbox Environment

This is all well and good but we can't actually test with the App Store until we create a build of the app - signed by Apple. You can create dev builds that can access your App Store sandbox account allowing you to make fake purchases without spending money.

You will need to create a macOS App Development profile and a Mac Development certificate in the Apple Developer portal before you can build the app. If you're using electron-builder it should be as simple as running the following command to create a new build.
electron-builder --config electron-builder.config.ts --mac mas-dev
Explaining how to setup Apple profiles and certificates is beyond the scope of this article. If you're interested you can check out the docs for electron-builder or have a look at some of the many other blogs about Electron provisioning, or better yet check out my project on GitHub to see how I've setup the build environment.

Once complete your app will have a binary that can be run locally, if you have properly created a draft release in App Store Connect then this build will have access to the products linked to the release and you'll see a success popup when purchasing.

Sandbox purchase success
Sandbox purchase success

I hope this helps, I was stuck trying to figure out why I couldn't get In-App Purchases working for a while. In my instance it turns out I hadn't created a release which had the purchases linked. Please send me a tweet or a toot showing your Electron project!

Robert Koch Avatar

👋 I'm Robert, a Software Engineer from Melbourne, Australia. I write about a bunch of different topics including technology, science, business, and maths.

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